Two giant turkey carcasses. What to do? Turkey tetrazzini! I don't think I've ever had this at an actual restaurant, only school cafeterias. But it's still one of my favorite dishes.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Turkey Tetrazzini
Updated from the archives December 3, 2009:
Two giant turkey carcasses. What to do? Turkey tetrazzini! I don't think I've ever had this at an actual restaurant, only school cafeterias. But it's still one of my favorite dishes.

Two giant turkey carcasses. What to do? Turkey tetrazzini! I don't think I've ever had this at an actual restaurant, only school cafeterias. But it's still one of my favorite dishes.
All Text and Photos Copyright © 2006-2022 by Wandering Chopsticks.
Posted by
Wandering Chopsticks
8:04 AM
Noodles and Pasta,

Tuesday, November 28, 2006
And The Stockings Hung By The Chimney With Care

All Text and Photos Copyright © 2006-2022 by Wandering Chopsticks.
Monday, November 27, 2006
Shin-Sen-Gumi Hakata Ramen - Rosemead

All Text and Photos Copyright © 2006-2022 by Wandering Chopsticks.
Posted by
Wandering Chopsticks
9:46 AM
LA County,
Soups Stews and Curries

Saturday, November 25, 2006
Little Red Houses and Apple Trees

I finished this quilt block this morning. This is my own design.
I kept trying to think of something to use up some of my buttons. And I love these apple buttons that belonged to a shirt I wore as a child.
All Text and Photos Copyright © 2006-2022 by Wandering Chopsticks.
Friday, November 24, 2006
New England Clam Chowder
Updated from the archives January 29, 2010:

One of the things I miss the most about the Pacific Northwest is free seafood. I spent my childhood summers playing at the beach while my parents were fishing and clamming.
My family shows our love through food. So every trip home, or when my parents visit, always results in stocking my freezer with fresh seafood.
I looooove clam chowder. And when it's fresh, made with razor clams that my parents dug up on the Oregon coast, it's sooooo good.
I prefer using milk instead of cream because it's healthier and less filling, or rather, it doesn't sit in my stomach as much as cream would. Then I can eat more clam chowder. Yippee!!
One of the things I miss the most about the Pacific Northwest is free seafood. I spent my childhood summers playing at the beach while my parents were fishing and clamming.
My family shows our love through food. So every trip home, or when my parents visit, always results in stocking my freezer with fresh seafood.
I looooove clam chowder. And when it's fresh, made with razor clams that my parents dug up on the Oregon coast, it's sooooo good.
I prefer using milk instead of cream because it's healthier and less filling, or rather, it doesn't sit in my stomach as much as cream would. Then I can eat more clam chowder. Yippee!!
All Text and Photos Copyright © 2006-2022 by Wandering Chopsticks.
Posted by
Wandering Chopsticks
7:31 PM
Soups Stews and Curries

Thursday, November 23, 2006
Angelface Roses, Lettuce, and Strawberry Blossoms
My Angelface rose bush looking quite lovely.
My roses are really overgrown. Weeds are everywhere. Need rain to soften the hard-packed clay so I can weed my garden.
I ventured into my garden to pick lettuce to add to the bagged baby lettuce salad I was serving for Thanksgiving dinner. Sad crop, eh? I used a whole envelope of seed and this was all I got. The crickets ate everything this year.
One of the nice aspects to Southern California weather is a second crop of strawberries in late November.

Below is the view of my side garden where my herb garden is located. There's a white and yellow Lady Fairbanks climbing roses on each side of the trellis. I thought they were both white when I bought them. And so few plants take to clay soil that I decided to leave them be instead of trying to color coordinate. The rose bush in front is my Ambassador rose. I love its melony color.
There were so many rocks in our yard that I made a "rock riverbed." There's cement slabs to make a meandering walking path with Irish moss in between. At the end of the trail is a makeshift bench with another trellis where I've planted some wisteria.
The herb garden includes half a dozen rose bushes, a lilac, a papaya tree, tomatoes, sorrel, lettuce, leeks, parsley, chile pepper, apple and spearmint, Vietnamese coriander, perilla, lavender, rosemary, curry plant, rose-scented geranium, hollyhocks, nasturtiums, tuberoses, chrysanthemums, Siam tulips, passionfruit, and strawberries.

All Text and Photos Copyright © 2006-2022 by Wandering Chopsticks.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Pumpkin Cream Penne with Italian Sausage
Updated from the archives November 1, 2014:

I've got about 20 family members to feed for Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow night. Menu includes the two turkeys, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, salad, clam chowder, pumpkin penne, crab/artichoke/pesto dip with toasted Middle Eastern flatbread, and pumpkin pie.
Last year I had way too much food and my menu was all over the place. (Think babaganouj and stuffed cabbage and green bean casserole.) So I toned down this year's menu to only the main sides and the addition of pumpkin penne. Very autumnal. Very simple.

I've got about 20 family members to feed for Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow night. Menu includes the two turkeys, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, salad, clam chowder, pumpkin penne, crab/artichoke/pesto dip with toasted Middle Eastern flatbread, and pumpkin pie.
Last year I had way too much food and my menu was all over the place. (Think babaganouj and stuffed cabbage and green bean casserole.) So I toned down this year's menu to only the main sides and the addition of pumpkin penne. Very autumnal. Very simple.
All Text and Photos Copyright © 2006-2022 by Wandering Chopsticks.
Posted by
Wandering Chopsticks
11:54 PM
Noodles and Pasta,

Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Coq au Vin (French Chicken with Wine): The French Meal I Wished I Had
Updated from the archives August 15, 2009:

I was in Paris, eating a Greek gyro on the steps of the Seine, below Notre Dame, while watching a juggler practice when a man walked down the steps to take a call on his cell phone. He ended his call, turned around, and noticed me.
"Bonjour," he said and then he attempted to have a conversation with me but he barely spoke English. And I, I only speak five words of French - bonjour, bon soir, merci, au revoir, voila! (The last said with a gallic shrug, of course.) Nonetheless, with a combination of smiles and hand gestures, we had a conversation that lasted for hours.
Somehow I managed to figure out that he was a Berber from Morocco. Some of the conversation went like this: "I sportive," he said as he held up his arms and flexed his biceps. "Tae kwon do. Vo vi nam." No way! He does Vietnamese martial arts? How cool is that? Picture me sitting there amused. Him talking and gesticulating wildly. And yet he tried so earnestly to communicate with me that I was flattered. He also bought me a rose from a wandering street seller.
I was in Paris, eating a Greek gyro on the steps of the Seine, below Notre Dame, while watching a juggler practice when a man walked down the steps to take a call on his cell phone. He ended his call, turned around, and noticed me.
"Bonjour," he said and then he attempted to have a conversation with me but he barely spoke English. And I, I only speak five words of French - bonjour, bon soir, merci, au revoir, voila! (The last said with a gallic shrug, of course.) Nonetheless, with a combination of smiles and hand gestures, we had a conversation that lasted for hours.
Somehow I managed to figure out that he was a Berber from Morocco. Some of the conversation went like this: "I sportive," he said as he held up his arms and flexed his biceps. "Tae kwon do. Vo vi nam." No way! He does Vietnamese martial arts? How cool is that? Picture me sitting there amused. Him talking and gesticulating wildly. And yet he tried so earnestly to communicate with me that I was flattered. He also bought me a rose from a wandering street seller.
All Text and Photos Copyright © 2006-2022 by Wandering Chopsticks.
Posted by
Wandering Chopsticks
9:37 AM
Series: Europe,
Soups Stews and Curries,
Travels: Abroad

Monday, November 20, 2006
Turnips and Turkeys

All Text and Photos Copyright © 2006-2022 by Wandering Chopsticks.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Gratuitous Picture of Heirloom Bell Peppers
All Text and Photos Copyright © 2006-2022 by Wandering Chopsticks.
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Dangling Strings

Another project that had languished for several years was the second quilt I ever made. This one featured a log cabin quilt pattern.
It was started during a cold Christmas while I was at home with my parents. Hmm, I think there's definitely a link between winter and quilting. Because I'm getting the urge to do another quilt.
The log cabin quilt took three days since I had my mom's sewing machine to speed things up.

First day was cutting each piece. I used leftover fabric from covering photo albums. Yes, my photo albums have nice fabric covers. There are 17 of these log cabin squares. I cheated and interspersed the blocks with regular non-pieced squares.
Second day was spent sewing each log cabin block. Each piece is stitched to the next, then ironed out flat, then sewn into the next. It's tedious work.
Third day, I sewed the whole thing together. As you can tell, my blocks don't quite line up. It's slightly smaller than a twin-size so it's a rather large lap quilt. I was cheap and also used very thin lining so it's a good thing it's really not large enough for coverage. But it had lining and a back (an old twin sheet). I stitched around each block so the whole quilt would hold together. Umm, but yeah, I got lazy again and stopped with the last two rows. So I finally, finally finished basting this quilt this weekend too.
I only procrastinated three years on this one though.
But tying up loose ends, even on something this silly, feels good.
All Text and Photos Copyright © 2006-2022 by Wandering Chopsticks.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Macau Street - Monterey Park (Closed)
Despite its name, there really aren't that many Macanese dishes. But this is where I go to eat "other parts" of various animals. What parts you may ask? Chicken knees. Not chicken feet like at dim sum. Chicken knees. Now say that out loud really fast and someone else will think it's a new "ethnic" dish.

The chicken knees barbecued are served on skewers with a light hoisin sauce. What are chicken knees? They're the tendon/cartilage bit between the thigh and the drumstick.
The house special shrimp is the plate behind the chicken knees. The shrimp are fried with a sweetly tart tamarind glaze.
The chicken knees barbecued are served on skewers with a light hoisin sauce. What are chicken knees? They're the tendon/cartilage bit between the thigh and the drumstick.
The house special shrimp is the plate behind the chicken knees. The shrimp are fried with a sweetly tart tamarind glaze.
All Text and Photos Copyright © 2006-2022 by Wandering Chopsticks.
Posted by
Wandering Chopsticks
10:06 AM
Dining: By City - Monterey Park,
Dining: By Cuisine - Chinese,
LA County,

Monday, November 13, 2006
Capital Seafood Chinese Restaurant (Wedding Banquet) - Monterey Park
Capital Seafood Chinese Restaurant is situated next to a 99 Ranch Market in the middle of an aging strip mall in Monterey Park. I knew the food would be good since the restaurant is in the first suburban Chinatown in the country. But I was also pleasantly surprised by the interior. Newly remodeled with lots of gilt with what I was told is the currently popular mainland Chinese interpretation of faux-Italian glamour.
All Text and Photos Copyright © 2006-2022 by Wandering Chopsticks.
Posted by
Wandering Chopsticks
10:43 AM
Dining: By City - Monterey Park,
Dining: By Cuisine - Chinese,
LA County,
Wedding Banquet

Sunday, November 05, 2006
Seol Ak San - Stanton
Lil' sis snagged a cheap plane ticket up to the Bay Area, except the flight was from Orange County. It's not cheap if I have to drive there to drop her off and pick her up! Nonetheless, it allowed me the opportunity to revisit a few favorites.
When I dropped her off, we stopped off at Saigon Bistro in Westminster for a quick dinner before her flight. Since we had more time after I picked her up, I decided to take her to Seol Ak San in Stanton.
It's my favorite Korean barbecue restaurant in Orange County because the meat is grilled on a rock slab and afterward kimchee fried rice is made on top of it. Plus, there's always at least a dozen different panchan including: the standard Baechu Kimchee (Napa Cabbage Kimchee), Bok Choy Kimchee (Korean Pickled Bok Choy), Sukju Namul (Korean Seasoned Mung Bean Sprouts), macaroni potato salad, broccoli, zucchini, and scallion root kimchee. If you're lucky, sometimes the panchan includes Korean pancake and raw crab kimchee. On this particular night we got 15 different panchan, including two bowls of sliced daikon to wrap around your meats. There's also a large bowl of seasoned lettuce and scallion salad. There was so much panchan that I couldn't fit everything into the photo. Hot tea and mustard are also available but need to be requested.
All Text and Photos Copyright © 2006-2022 by Wandering Chopsticks.
Posted by
Wandering Chopsticks
10:33 PM
Barbecue Grill and Rotisserie,
Dining: By Cuisine - Korean,
Lil' Sis,
Orange County,
Soups Stews and Curries

Saturday, November 04, 2006
Goi Ga (Vietnamese Chicken Salad)
Updated from the archives August 14, 2009:

This is a good way to use up leftover chicken. In my case, I had tons of chicken from making Pho Ga (Vietnamese Chicken Noodle Soup) last week. My family likes to eat this salad warm, often using some of the chicken when we make Hainanese chicken rice. It's a pretty simple salad, with just a little bit of rau ram (Vietnamese coriander) and Hanh Dam (Vietnamese Vinegared Onions) to round out the flavors.
This is a good way to use up leftover chicken. In my case, I had tons of chicken from making Pho Ga (Vietnamese Chicken Noodle Soup) last week. My family likes to eat this salad warm, often using some of the chicken when we make Hainanese chicken rice. It's a pretty simple salad, with just a little bit of rau ram (Vietnamese coriander) and Hanh Dam (Vietnamese Vinegared Onions) to round out the flavors.
All Text and Photos Copyright © 2006-2022 by Wandering Chopsticks.
Posted by
Wandering Chopsticks
9:37 AM
Recipes: Vietnamese,

Friday, November 03, 2006
Autostitch of Parga - Greece
Wow! I discovered Autostitch courtesy of Karen of 1-2-3 Go Garden! The program automatically "stitches" multiple photos together. So I decided to try it with half a dozen photos I had taken of Parga, Greece. The pictures were snapped as the boat was coming into the harbor so I was worried about alignment. But wow! That's all I can say. Click on the photo to see a bigger version.

Since the program automatically discards what doesn't fit, you just have to be sure to take photos with some overlap. Which unfortunately for me meant the darling white stone church which should be on the far right of the harbor is excluded from the panoramic photo. :(
Since the program automatically discards what doesn't fit, you just have to be sure to take photos with some overlap. Which unfortunately for me meant the darling white stone church which should be on the far right of the harbor is excluded from the panoramic photo. :(
All Text and Photos Copyright © 2006-2022 by Wandering Chopsticks.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Saigon Bistro - Westminster (Little Saigon)
Saigon Bistro is next door to a laundromat in a nondescript strip mall. The entrance is just a door with black glass. No windows. As you can tell by the picture, Saigon Bistro is a weird narrow triangular space. It's smallness and dim lighting creates a quiet ambiance. It's one of those restaurants that you wouldn't notice driving by. I was introduced to it by someone else years ago.

There are a handful of these Vietnamese-French bistros in Little Saigon. And they all serve as Meccas for the old Saigon intellectual elite. The menu reflects both cuisines with escargot, turtle soup, eggrolls, rabbit, duck l'orange, etc. on the menu. The French menu is twice as expensive as the Vietnamese side, so I usually stick to the cheaper end.
The complimentary toasty warm Vietnamese French bread also comes with small pats of herbed butter.

The perfect foil for escargot with herbed bread crumbs for $5.65.
I ordered the bun cha Ha Noi (Vietnamese grilled pork with rice vermicelli noodles Hanoi-style) for $6.95. The entree comes with slightly chewy fresh rice vermicelli noodles, marinated pork in fish sauce, pickled carrots, and greens -- lettuce, mint, and purple perilla.
Lil' sis ordered the com ga ro ti (Vietnamese roasted Cornish game hen with red rice) $6.75. The Cornish game hen is juicy, the skin is crackly crisp.
We were stuffed. Otherwise, I like to end my meal with bananas flambe with ice cream.
There are a handful of these Vietnamese-French bistros in Little Saigon. And they all serve as Meccas for the old Saigon intellectual elite. The menu reflects both cuisines with escargot, turtle soup, eggrolls, rabbit, duck l'orange, etc. on the menu. The French menu is twice as expensive as the Vietnamese side, so I usually stick to the cheaper end.
The complimentary toasty warm Vietnamese French bread also comes with small pats of herbed butter.
The perfect foil for escargot with herbed bread crumbs for $5.65.
I ordered the bun cha Ha Noi (Vietnamese grilled pork with rice vermicelli noodles Hanoi-style) for $6.95. The entree comes with slightly chewy fresh rice vermicelli noodles, marinated pork in fish sauce, pickled carrots, and greens -- lettuce, mint, and purple perilla.
Lil' sis ordered the com ga ro ti (Vietnamese roasted Cornish game hen with red rice) $6.75. The Cornish game hen is juicy, the skin is crackly crisp.
We were stuffed. Otherwise, I like to end my meal with bananas flambe with ice cream.
Update March 24, 2007: For more food pictures, including the bananas flambe with flames, and commentary by Henry Chan of Henry Chan's Food Videos, read my post on Saigon Bistro Again.
Saigon Bistro
15470 Magnolia Street
Westminster, CA 92683
(The entrance is really on the McFadden side.)
All Text and Photos Copyright © 2006-2022 by Wandering Chopsticks.
Posted by
Wandering Chopsticks
8:24 PM
Dining: By City - Westminster,
Dining: By Cuisine - Vietnamese,
Lil' Sis,
Orange County,

Wednesday, November 01, 2006
A Work in Progress
My current project is a scarf.
I only crochet scarves. And occasionally beanie hats. I can't learn from patterns. I mean, I know ch stands for chain, and dc stands for double crochet, and etc., but I really only learn with someone instructing me and fixing my errors as I go along. I learned the basics of crocheting when I was 8-years-old. I've taught myself a simple shell pattern. That's my only other variation.
But I was inspired by Bella Dia, who was inspired by Green Kitchen, who was inspired by Yarnstorm.
I initially tried this yarn in a shell pattern. But the colors were too busy. So I unraveled and decided to keep it simple.

The best part? I got two skeins of this color in a bag of seven other yarns for only $1.25 at the local thrift store. So I grabbed the whole lot. That's nearly two dozen large skeins of yarn (mostly acrylic but who's complaining when it's so cheap?) for $4. Hmm, which means I have enough random yarn colors to attempt an afghan actually...
I'm thinking of making a matching beanie with pompoms too. But we'll see.
I only crochet scarves. And occasionally beanie hats. I can't learn from patterns. I mean, I know ch stands for chain, and dc stands for double crochet, and etc., but I really only learn with someone instructing me and fixing my errors as I go along. I learned the basics of crocheting when I was 8-years-old. I've taught myself a simple shell pattern. That's my only other variation.
But I was inspired by Bella Dia, who was inspired by Green Kitchen, who was inspired by Yarnstorm.
I initially tried this yarn in a shell pattern. But the colors were too busy. So I unraveled and decided to keep it simple.
The best part? I got two skeins of this color in a bag of seven other yarns for only $1.25 at the local thrift store. So I grabbed the whole lot. That's nearly two dozen large skeins of yarn (mostly acrylic but who's complaining when it's so cheap?) for $4. Hmm, which means I have enough random yarn colors to attempt an afghan actually...
I'm thinking of making a matching beanie with pompoms too. But we'll see.
All Text and Photos Copyright © 2006-2022 by Wandering Chopsticks.
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