Gardening posts are sorted by quick summaries of what flower, fruit, or vegetable pictures are in each post. I've also included pictures of other gardens such as what's growing in my uncles' gardens or visited gardens. The garden pictures that were not grown in my backyard are identified with an * at the end.
My Front Garden in the Gloaming
Frost-damaged Bougainvillea, Cannas, Iceberg Roses, Strawberries

Roses and a Re-purposed Vinegar Bottle
Crocus, Primroses, Cyclamen, Violas, Nasturtiums, Leeks
Money Tree

Nectarine Blossoms, Freesia, Primroses, Delphiniums, Narcissus, Fuchsia, Johnny Jump-Ups, Cup Flowers, Donna Darlin' Roses, Pinks/Sweet William, Petunias, Cyclamen, Pansies, Lady Fairbanks Roses and an Arch
Lady Fairbanks Roses and the Arch, Strawberries, Spearmint, Applemint, Sorrel, Rau Ram (Vietnamese Coriander), Kinh Gioi (Vietnamese Balm), French Lavender, Rosemary, Curry, Gypsy Roses, Bac Ha (Taro Stem), Nectarine Blossoms
J. Paul Getty Center and Museum (Winter) - Los Angeles - California*
Sundial, Lady Fairbanks Roses and the Arch, Side Herb Garden, Sweet Pea, Strawberries, Queen Anne's Lace, Cannas, Bac Ha (Taro Stem), Blue Tide Iris, Dutch Iris, Oriental Poppies, Love-in-a-Mist
Double Delight, Angelface, Donna Darlin', Paul Ecke Jr., Chicago Peace, Peace, Ramblin' Red Climber, Grenada, Scentimental, Mister Lincoln, Paradise? or Heirloom?, Iceberg, Autumn Sunset Climbing, and Ambassador Roses

Ramblin' Red Climber Roses, Peonies, Hollyhocks, Gypsy, Donna Darlin', Autumn Sunset Climbing, and Double Delight Roses, Evening Primroses, Strawberries
Geraniums in Flower Pots


Desert Rose, Crocosmia, Bog Garden, Strawberries, Sorrel, Hollyhocks, Bougainvillea, Lemongrass, Longans
Jungle Red Hibiscus, Galangal, Sugarloaf Pineapple
Desert Rose, Jungle Red Hibiscus
J. Paul Getty Center and Museum (Summer) - Los Angeles - California*




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