The food court is in the center of the Asian Garden Mall. It's a popular place for people-watching, or grabbing a quick bite to eat. The sign says C&C Express, the white pages lists it as C&C Food Co., but either way, it's usually good for snacks such as fried bananas. Although, it wasn't the bananas that lured my cousin over. It was a little crock pot of eggs.
Not just any eggs, mind you. These were hot vit lon (Vietnamese fetal or embryonic duck eggs), also known as balut to Filipinos.
WARNING: I'm advising you to stop reading now if you're easily squeamish.
Stop now.
I mean it.
Last chance.
OK, but don't say I didn't warn you.
I'm not quite sure how Filipinos eat it, but for Vietnamese, the hot vit lon is usually between 2 to 3 weeks old, is boiled and served with salt and pepper, and rau ram (Vietnamese coriander).
Ewww! Ewww! Said I and everyone else.
(OK, I admit, I used to enjoy eating this delicacy when I was a kid and recently ate a few as an adult.)
The way to eat it is to crack the top of the egg and gently tilt it so you can suck out all the sweet brothy liquid inside the egg.
You can see the yolk and the duckling here. Actually, I think you should be happy this photo came out blurry. Then you sprinkle a little salt and pepper on top, tear off a few leaves of rau ram, and scoop it out with a spoon. This way, you don't actually see the little duckling's body parts.
The taste is a bit hard to describe. The yolk part is like a soft-boiled egg. The duckling is still soft, the bones and feathers are barely developed, so it tastes well, rather sweet actually. Sort of like the inside of a dumpling - meaty but juicy at the same time.
My cousin got so tired of me snapping photos while she was trying to eat that she scooped out a piece so I could photograph it and she could eat in peace. Ewww! Look at those feathers! I usually do not eat them that maturely developed. She really, really enjoyed her snack though and actually wanted to get more food but we said this was merely the prelude to appetizers before we moved on to dinner.
If you're adventurous enough and you're in the neighborhood, the hot vit lon are $1.25 each. You can also get them at most fresh poultry places. There's a place further down Bolsa Avenue toward Beach Boulevard that has large signs advertising fresh hot vit lon.
This was such a delicacy that in college my friend bought a few for us to eat. Unfortunately, he didn't know how long to boil the eggs and when he broke into his, it was still partially raw. So he tried re-heating the eggs in the microwave and they all exploded.
Except for mine.
I'm sure you can guess what happened next. I tapped the top of my egg and it exploded... right into my face. Oh, man, he recounted that story to everyone in the dorm.
Anyway, back to our story, Norwegian cousin's friend decided to snack on these Nem Nuong (Vietnamese Grilled Pork Patties). These meatballs were gigantic. Easily several inches in diameter. Three for $1.50. A little dry and nowhere near as good as mine. ;)
My brother's friend played it safe and just got a glass of freshly squeezed sugarcane juice for $1.75.
Other snacks include gigantic apple snails and another type of water snail cooked in coconut milk. Or you can stick to the very safe and still tasty fried bananas. :)
C&C Express (C&C Food Co.)
9200 Bolsa Ave. #308
Westminster, CA 92683
I was at the verge of vomit when I saw the duckee egg! Usually see this on TV, now in your blog :O
ReplyDeleteI warned you! Yeah, it's been on Fear Factor.
LOL!!! I can't believe an egg, no wait, a FETAL DUCK EGG, exploded into your face.
ReplyDeleteI can only drink the juice and the yolk...never the actual duckling. Sick!! All those feathers and bones! I love the smell of them though, and rau ram always reminds me of hot vit long.
WC, you are a much braver person than I for eating the duck egg. I see them fairly often as my dad eats them like candy, so I wasn't squeemish seeing your photos. But I've never felt compelled to eat balut, because I've always assumed they taste nasty. But your description of its flavor actually makes it sound pretty good.
ReplyDeleteYou know... while most people find balut disgusting, I'd give it a try at least once.
ReplyDeleteNot only that, it exploded right into my eye! And it was hot! You could see the red mark for quite a while.
I like the smell too! Are we crazy or what? :P
Are you gonna try them the next time your dad eats it? Hmm?
I believe in trying almost everything once.
My family tricked me into eating hot vit lon when I was in Vietnam! I haven't had it since then...esp after we had "food fear factor" at work and people were eating the balut, not realizing it was undercooked. So gross.
ReplyDeleteUndercooked hot vit lon? Ewww.
I love chicken vit lon - Yummmmmm.
ReplyDeleteI acquired the taste after coming to Cali.
ReplyDeleteWouldn't it be hot ga lon? ;)
i grew up eating the chicken one and the duck one. love em both. eat them with hot sauce all the time. usually just dried chilli pepper mixed with fish sauce and tamarind powder/lime juice/white vinegar. cilantro optional. :-) delicious; i brought it to work for lunch one time and disgusted my co-workers ^_^ i picked the baby chick out by the head so they can see the whole body and put the whole thing in my mouth. lol
ReplyDeleteIt's all ricey,
ReplyDeleteI've never had the chicken one! Interesting what you eat it with. My family has always done just salt, black pepper, and rau ram.