Happy Holidays!

There's been a cold snap this week with temperatures in the 60s! I've switched to flannel sheets and my winter comforter. Man, I've been living in California too long because my blood has thinned.
But the brief cold finally feels like winter so it was time to set up the Christmas tree and my holiday decorations.
Did you know you could buy 6-foot tall real trees at Wal-Mart and Target for $20? This glow just feels so homey. And I finally got to see what all the lights and ornaments I bought last year look like. That's right, I only buy my Christmas stuff
after Christmas. And not the day after when it's only 50% off either. (Well, except for my tablecloth. Red and green plaid? How could I resist? And there were none left after a few hours, much less waiting for it to get even cheaper.) No sireee, 75 - 90% off only for me please.

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