Another project that had languished for several years was the second quilt I ever made. This one featured a log cabin quilt pattern.
It was started during a cold Christmas while I was at home with my parents. Hmm, I think there's definitely a link between winter and quilting. Because I'm getting the urge to do another quilt.
The log cabin quilt took three days since I had my mom's sewing machine to speed things up.

First day was cutting each piece. I used leftover fabric from covering photo albums. Yes, my photo albums have nice fabric covers. There are 17 of these log cabin squares. I cheated and interspersed the blocks with regular non-pieced squares.
Second day was spent sewing each log cabin block. Each piece is stitched to the next, then ironed out flat, then sewn into the next. It's tedious work.
Third day, I sewed the whole thing together. As you can tell, my blocks don't quite line up. It's slightly smaller than a twin-size so it's a rather large lap quilt. I was cheap and also used very thin lining so it's a good thing it's really not large enough for coverage. But it had lining and a back (an old twin sheet). I stitched around each block so the whole quilt would hold together. Umm, but yeah, I got lazy again and stopped with the last two rows. So I finally, finally finished basting this quilt this weekend too.
I only procrastinated three years on this one though.
But tying up loose ends, even on something this silly, feels good.
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