It opened a few days later.

So pretty!

My mom stuck random cuttings in a pot, not sure which would bloom. So I think I have two varieties in one pot.

The red cereus just had one bloom.

On May 13th, pink cereus continued to bloom.

I might have gone a bit overboard taking so many pictures of the same blossom from different angles.

But can you blame me when I only get a few blooms a year?

I like the subtle stripes on this blossom on May 17th.

Several blooms in one day!

It only lasts a day before it wilts.

Also in the garden, my potted amaryllis budded on May 12th.

And finally bloomed on the 21st.

It was a purchase after Target's Christmas clearance years ago.

I'm growing tomatoes for the second year in a row in my kiddie pool raised garden bed.

And one in a pot to see if I can get more than just a handful of tomatoes.

My lilac looks sad. It doesn't like being potted.

One solitary bloom from Angel Face rose.

Other garden updates.
1 year ago today, Memorial Day barbecue.
2 years ago today, Tacos al Pastor (Mexican Sheperd-style Tacos).
3 years ago today, the first appearance of geraniums in flowerpots.
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