...herb garden. On the left side, there's four rose bushes (Duet, Paradise, Gypsy, Double Delight), a lilac bush, hollyhocks, nasturtiums, a delphinium, a rose-scented geranium, a cyclamen, and cup flowers. On the right side are dead tomato plants, passionfruit vine, strawberries, chili, parsley, sorrel, purple perilla, green perilla, basil, spearmint, apple mint, Vietnamese coriander, French lavender, rosemary, curry plant, and a papaya tree. But not everything is blooming right now.

Spearmint on the left and apple mint on the right. I've got broken plates to serve as a barrier to keep the mint runners from spreading too much.

Sorrel. I love the crunchy stems and sour leaves, especially wrapped up with other herbs in a rice paper roll.

Rau ram (Vietnamese coriander). It doesn't quite taste like coriander to me though...

Kinh gioi (Vietnamese balm or green perilla) has a slight lemony tang.

From far left: French lavender, rosemary, and curry. The curry plant smells exactly like curry! I thought it was so cool but I have yet to actually cook with it...

Gypsy rose. On its right is a rose-scented geranium, which actually smells like potpourri.

The lavender, rosemary, roses, and rose-scented geranium are right in front of my makeshift bench. The trellis will hopefully one day be covered in twining wisteria. Right now the wisteria are about 6 inches tall. But hopefully one day after entering the rose-covered arch , walking down the meandering Irish moss-covered stone path along the rock river, you can sit on this "rustic" bench luxuriating in the scent of roses and lavender. Hopefully. One day.

This is beside my patio area before the entrance to my herb garden. Remember the bac ha (taro) I was so afraid died when my garden suffered from January's cold frost? Slowly starting to come up again. This is part of my "bog" garden. So called and started because this one corner of the yard seems to retain quite a bit of water. I tried meandering my "rock river" through it but just turned into a shallow puddle. I planted a rose bush and other flowers there but it still seemed "bogged" down. I decided to stop fighting and have instead planted taro, canna, and swamp grasses that prefer moist soil.
Spearmint on the left and apple mint on the right. I've got broken plates to serve as a barrier to keep the mint runners from spreading too much.
Sorrel. I love the crunchy stems and sour leaves, especially wrapped up with other herbs in a rice paper roll.
Rau ram (Vietnamese coriander). It doesn't quite taste like coriander to me though...
Kinh gioi (Vietnamese balm or green perilla) has a slight lemony tang.
From far left: French lavender, rosemary, and curry. The curry plant smells exactly like curry! I thought it was so cool but I have yet to actually cook with it...
Gypsy rose. On its right is a rose-scented geranium, which actually smells like potpourri.
The lavender, rosemary, roses, and rose-scented geranium are right in front of my makeshift bench. The trellis will hopefully one day be covered in twining wisteria. Right now the wisteria are about 6 inches tall. But hopefully one day after entering the rose-covered arch , walking down the meandering Irish moss-covered stone path along the rock river, you can sit on this "rustic" bench luxuriating in the scent of roses and lavender. Hopefully. One day.
This is beside my patio area before the entrance to my herb garden. Remember the bac ha (taro) I was so afraid died when my garden suffered from January's cold frost? Slowly starting to come up again. This is part of my "bog" garden. So called and started because this one corner of the yard seems to retain quite a bit of water. I tried meandering my "rock river" through it but just turned into a shallow puddle. I planted a rose bush and other flowers there but it still seemed "bogged" down. I decided to stop fighting and have instead planted taro, canna, and swamp grasses that prefer moist soil.