Friday, February 15, 2008

Persimmon Bread

Persimmon Bread 1

Are there still persimmons in the markets? Is this one of those recipes I should have posted way back when I made it it? Like months ago? Back when I still actually saw persimmons on the tree?

Sorry dear readers. The posting queue is so long. Sometimes I actually have stories about the food I want to share so those posts come first. Sometimes I'm too tired to even type out recipe only posts. But you understand right? Because you'd rather have a well-crafted post, or at least a moderately interesting one, than just a recipe index?

Although, did you notice? It took me a long, long, looooong time but I've now indexed all my recipes and restaurants. The recipes are sorted alphabetically, by category and by cuisine. Restaurants are also sorted alphabetically, by county and by cuisine. That was more than 325 entries for both that I had to copy and paste, copy and paste, copy and paste. Well, you get the idea! So I hope you appreciate it! The navigation list will be at the top of every page on the sidebar so you can always access the master lists. So now my sidebar only has links to my favorite recipes and restaurants. I'm also working on a frequently asked questions post so drop a comment if you've got some questions you'd like answered.

And hey! No one noticed my new header? Not even that I managed to find a street called Wandering Dr.? And that it took me hours on Photoshop to finally get it to look so pretty?

Wandering Chopsticks Banner 1010 x 100

OK, now onto the recipe. I used both fuyu (the squat kind in the picture) and hachiya (the astringent kind that should only be eaten when super soft) persimmons for this recipe. I mashed the hachiya persimmons and while fuyu persimmons are usually eaten hard, I let them soften a bit and diced them.

Even though there were half a dozen persimmons in this batch, it wasn't nearly persimmon-y enough. :( I added a bit of cinnamon and ginger to make it slightly spiced, so the end result was rather reminiscent of a cross between Banana Bread and gingerbread actually. It's not too sweet and I used whole wheat flour so this bread is ideal for breakfast, especially slathered with some Homemade Butter.

Persimmon Bread 2

Persimmon Bread
Adapted from my recipe for mango bread

For two loaves mini-loaves, or one big loaf, you'll need:

2 cups whole wheat flour
3/4 cup white sugar
1/2 cup brown sugar
2 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp ginger
2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1/2 cup yogurt
3 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
4 fresh and very, very ripe hachiya persimmons, mashed and 2 diced fuyu persimmons
1 cup chopped walnuts

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Mash and dice persimmons and set aside.

Mix 2 cups whole wheat flour, 3/4 cup sugar, 1/2 cup brown sugar, 1 tsp cinnamon, 2 tsp baking soda, 1/2 tsp salt. In a separate bowl, mix 1/2 cup vegetable oil, 3 eggs, and 1 tsp vanilla. Add the liquid ingredients into the dry ingredients and mix thoroughly.
Gently fold 1/2 cup yogurt, persimmons, and 1 cup walnuts.
Pour into 1 big loaf pan and/or 2 smaller loaf pans.
Bake at 350 degrees for about an hour.


My other sweet bread recipes:
Banana Bread
Blueberry Muffins 
Cinnamon Rolls
Mango Bread
Pumpkin Cinnamon Rolls with Cranberry/Pumpkin Butter/Walnut Filling and Maple Icing
Strawberry Banana Bread
Taro Dinner Rolls

1 year ago today, Valentine's dinner at BCD Tofu House - Rowland Heights.


  1. now that u mentioned it, the categories are great! Very organized.

    oh! The fuyu cake is a good idea. Fuy isn't in season yet but once it is, that is an excellent idea.

  2. Yeah when I made persimmon bread ppl couldn't taste it at all; they thought it was like banana bread. I thought about dumping in way more persimmon pulp to maybe add more flavor, but I didn't want a soggy bread either. I am thinking next year when I make this again to add some roughly chopped up persimmon so maybe when ppl bite into the bread they will be able to taste the actual fruit too.

  3. Daphne,
    Hehe. It's funny when they're no longer in season here but just coming into season on the other side of the world. So I guess this recipe isn't so out of date. ;)

    Even with the diced chunks of persimmons, it still wasn't that persimmony. :(

  4. This sounds so good!!!! My father in law gives me persimmons locally grown each year! I will try it when he gives me some :)

  5. Jennifer,
    I hope you do! I do like persimmons, but I think I like them best plain.


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