Gourmet Pigs invited me to be her +1 at a media preview for the LA County Fair.
Deep-fried foods? Sure!
Unlike the LA County Fair media preview we went to two years ago, there were no food trucks in sight. It was a return to basics. Well, basics as far as county fair food goes, which meant deep-fried, artery-clogging goodness. Deep-fried Twinkies. Bacon-wrapped pickles. Krispy Kreme burgers.
They were setting up the rides as we arrived. Too bad it's just a food preview. Or not. I find the older I get, the less desire I have to be spun until I puke.

Chicken Charlie's seems to be the center of all deep-fried goodies.

I actually really liked the deep-fried Oreo I tried two years ago.

Totally fried Dodger Dog, anyone?

The Krispy Kreme burger tasted like a burger between two doughnuts. I know it's been making the fair rounds for a while now, but it just never sounded appealing to me. I don't like to mix meat and sweets.

The bacon-wrapped pickle was tart and crispy and salty. Winner!

I tried deep frying a Twinkie at home more than a decade ago after eating a deep-fried Mars bar in Scotland. I guess my home fryer wasn't hot enough, because it just tasted like a fried Twinkie and I wasn't impressed.

But this! Lightly crispy outside, molten cream inside. Another winner!

And in case you don't want anything fried, Chicken Charlie's does grilled chicken kebabs too.

Tasti Chips served homemade fried potato chips.

Topped with cheese or a whole mesh of things. We actually liked the simple cheesy chips better.

Skinnygirl Bar and Food and Cornucopia Cafe served up drinks for us.

A light apple cider from the former.

And a virgin pina colada from the latter.

Creole cooking from Harold & Belle's To Geaux. Heh. Clever.

Good, but tiny portions of fried catfish and crawfish etouffee. It just made me crave some Louisiana cooking.

Fresh Frys. Why? Was spelling it correctly too much of a hassle? They wanted to stand out in Google searches? I can't get down with misspellings!

But mmm, I do love blooming onions. Crispy, battered goodness.

The Texas Style BBQ next door served brisket "sundaes."

Mashed potatoes topped with brisket slathered in barbecue sauce, topped with a tomato. The mashed potatoes and brisket were good, but the barbecue sauce was too much.

This year, the fair also features Star Trek: The Exhibition, which is $5 with fair admission. It's quite worth it if you're a Trekkie. I enjoyed it when I went several years ago.

Ten Pound Buns offered up various toppings on huge slices of sourdough bread.

There were a variety of French Bread Pizza options.

But I went for bacon Nutella.

Gourmet Pigs' pizza slice was good, but standard.

My bacon Nutella slice tasted like what it sounds. I don't know why I expected more.

We stopped off at Monster Grill and got some curly fries to-go.

Lots of deep-fried goodies and other artery-clogging eats! I mean, no one goes to the fair to eat healthy, right?
L.A. County Fair
1101 W. McKinley Ave.
Pomona, CA 91768
1 year ago today,
2 years ago today,
3 years ago today, Pork Ribs with Coca Cola and Strawberry Jam.
4 years ago today, Pomegranates.
5 years ago today, Pineapple Fried Rice.
6 years ago today, Light Town House Korean BBQ - Garden Grove (Korean Business District).
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