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Thursday, June 14, 2007

And We Have A Winner!

I know ya'll have been waiting with anticipation, so without further ado...

As you can see, I wrote the names on slips of paper, folded them twice, shuffled them around and drew out a name at random. So Jaded One, email me your address and I'll ship off the box of goodies to ya! Happy cooking!

I wish I could have given everyone a prize. :(

Thank you again everyone for saying so many wonderful things about me and my blog. I'm just sooo touched! I truly didn't expect such an outpouring. When I asked what keeps you guys coming back or suggestions for improvement, I was expecting something more along the lines of -- more recipes, better instructions, etc. And I didn't even know some of you looked forward to those gardening posts. Now, where are the quilters hiding? Heh! :P

My friend asked me yesterday what I liked most about blogging, and I said it simply tickles me that some of you actually cooked some of my recipes. And liked it! But seriously, it's the every day interactions -- checking in to see what you've been cooking, you checking in to see what I've been eating -- that has made this such a great experience.

I firmly believe food is the tastiest and best way to learn about other cultures. It means a lot to me that you've learned a bit about Vietnamese cuisine and culture along the way. So here's to another year of good eats!

Jaded's Kitchen made several recipes from her prize package including ca phe sua da (Vietnamese iced coffee), oodles of noodles, mapo tofu (Chinese pockmarked old lady's tofu), and goi cuon (Vietnamese salad rolls).

1 year ago today, I forgot my camera at Baccali Cafe & Rotisserie, but have since rectified that.


  1. Haha NO WAY!!! Sweet WC! :) Thanks a bunch! You totally made my Friday even better ;)

  2. Yay for JadedOne! And Yay for WC - keep at it, girl!

  3. Jaded One,
    I'm glad you're so excited to win. :) Hope you make use of it.

    Thanks for the encouragement.

  4. Yay for garden updates! :D! I love learning about Vietnamese cuisine too.

  5. Amy,
    I had no idea you looked forward to those gardening updates until you said so! :)


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