Saturday, April 12, 2008

Southern Fried Chicken and Mashed Potatoes with Cream Gravy Redux

Mashed Potatoes and Southern Fried Chicken

"Who just wakes up and decides to make homemade fried chicken?" asked my cousin's cousin's daughter who was over that day. Evidently, I do.

Later on when their mom came to pick them up, my cousin's cousin's son said, "Mom, she even makes her own gravy." They sounded so perplexed.

This time I took step-by-step photos and much better pictures. So if you haven't already, go check out my original recipe for Southern Fried Chicken and Mashed Potatoes with Cream Gravy.

1 year ago today, Chicken Fingers for when I don't feel like making a whole meal of Southern fried chicken, mashed potatoes, and gravy.


  1. omg. looks delicious! and makes me want fried chicken now.

  2. Good Lawd, that looks yummy. I was about to run out to KFC but just realized I'd already brushed my teeth for the night. :(

  3. Front Studio,
    Thanks! Doesn't look nearly as scrumptious as your 4 p.m. treats though.

    Oooh, I love KFC's 50 cent fried apple pies too.

  4. my favorite favorite favorite meal! nothing pleases me like fried chicken + good potatoes


  5. "Good Lawd" is right. I will have to make this for my boy from Alabama. And some cornbread too ;-).

  6. Looks so good, make ya wanna smack grandma!

  7. MCR,
    It's fried and crunchy. You can't try this recipe until your doctor gives the OK to eat fried foods again.

    Oooh, the best cornbread is made in a cast iron skillet with jalapenos added.

    I chuckled so hard. Never heard that expression before!

  8. Oh that looks GOOD!!! Why do you always make me feel hungry even when I'm not. I am definitely going to try this out.

  9. Jeannie,
    Ha! I can say the same when I look at your blog. Especially when you go on your posting frenzies. I feel like I had an eating frenzy just reading them. :P


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