Monday, March 05, 2007

Update of Sushi/Dim Sum Quilt

Remember the sushi/dim sum quilt I mentioned way back in December? This is as far as I've gotten so many months later. It's about four feet long right now. It'll end up being a twin-size quilt. All my other quilts have been small lap quilts so this is my biggest project yet.

It's just straight lines and I probably would have finished piecing the top in a few days if I was better at machine sewing. But then my corners wouldn't line up as nicely as they do here. And the sewing machine confounds me. My mom bought me a used sewing machine and even drew in little red arrows so I would know where to thread it. But there's just something really soothing about making it all by hand.

Anyway, recently I got an email from a reader asking for quilting tips because I've got her interested in making a baby quilt for her niece. Then a friend came over and gushed when she saw my apple tree quilt. Then she gushed over my Sunbonnet Sue and log cabin quilts. And of course, she gushed over lil' sis's Chinese Sunbonnet Sue quilt too.

Man, all that gushing. So I said I would make her daughter a crib-sized quilt out of her old baby clothes. I'm a pretty selfish quilter because it takes me months and months if not years to make a quilt, and not everyone appreciates the time and energy it takes to make something homemade. But I think my friend gets it; her eyes lit up and I could tell she really loved the quilts. Besides, I've got plenty of time, her daughter isn't born yet. :P

I've really enjoyed working on the sushi/dim sum quilt. Probably because the fabrics are so fun. My brother said he thought my quilts all had to come from scraps. They did. These are leftover from two pairs of pajama pants I made four years ago.

Don't you wanna start quilting too? Lil' sis made one. Two of my cousins are working on theirs. And my reader said if hers ends up nice she'll let me post a picture of it.

So start thinking of ideas because I'll be posting a series on how to get you started quilting. You know you wanna.


  1. Oh, this is so so pretty! I would dream about food in that.:D

  2. That is sooooo cool! I'm not sure I have the patience for quilting (especially if it's all by hand!) I'd need a cocktail and sushi WHILE I quilted. Can we make that happen? ;)

  3. Tigerfish,
    Thanks for the compliment. :)

    Not sure if your stitches would be even if you're having a cocktail. But it sure would make quilting fun. ;)

  4. WC, hands down :) where do you find time for such passionate, time-consuming hobby mannnnn, that's lovely :)
    p/s: oo, I c your email now hehe, silly me, ok, will keep u in touch, cheers !:) gotta go get some pad seew now hehehehe :)

  5. MW,
    I don't have time. That's why it takes me months, and sometimes years, to complete a quilt. :)

  6. eeek i really must start working on my quilt again so you can post a picture of the finished product!!

  7. Tania,
    Yes you should! You-know-who says she hasn't done any work on hers. Don't you wanna be first? :)

  8. I bet I'll finish mine first! =)

  9. Helen,
    I'm binding my quilt so I bet I get done before both of you. :)


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