Sunday, August 19, 2007

Fried Green Tomatoes

Nothing says summer quite like fried green tomatoes. Perhaps it's because green tomatoes aren't something you can find in the stores or farmers' markets. It's a special treat if you're lucky enough to grow tomatoes, or have uncles who do. Besides fried okra, fried green tomatoes has to be one of my favorite Southern dishes.

Make sure your tomatoes are firm and all green. That slight hint of red on the lower left tomato? After it hits the frying pan, it turns into mush. I like my batter to be half flour and half cornmeal for that unmistakable crunch. They're terrifically quick and easy to make. My brother was visiting when I asked him if he wanted some fried green tomatoes. He looked a little surprised but was game to try. Between the two of us, we polished off the whole batch.

Fried Green Tomatoes

For 4 large green tomatoes, you'll need:

About 1/3 cup cornmeal
About 1/3 cup flour
1/2 cup milk
1 egg, beaten
salt, to taste
ground black pepper, to taste

Mix equal amounts of cornmeal and flour in a shallow bowl and set aside. Beat 1 egg with 1/2 cup milk and set aside. Slice tomatoes about 1/2-inch thick. Lay them out flat and sprinkle salt and ground black pepper on both sides.

Heat frying pan to medium high.

Take a tomato slice and put it in the milk/egg mixture, then flour/cornmeal. Repeat. Then slide it into the frying pan and fry until golden.

Serve with ranch dressing.

If you're in a Southern mood, perhaps you'd like to also try making my recipe for Southern fried chicken with sour cream mashed potatoes and cream gravy?



  1. What a coincidence! I made fried green tomatoes too - now I'll have to post them :-)

  2. Fried green tomatoes is something I've never had, but I know it would be sooo good. You are lucky to have the fresh produce hook-up from your uncle. btw, i've been on the lookout for squash blossoms ever since you posted about them, but i guess their time has passed at farmers markets.

  3. Wow these sound really good, never had fried green tomatoes before.

  4. I had green tomatoes for dinner today. I had wedges added into my fish soup :O

  5. Nikki,
    Oooh, I wanna see!

    I'm still seeing squash blossoms at the Alhambra farmers' market. I've got 3 other recipes using them too.

    Try! It's yummy.

    Oooh, that's a great idea. I could see them added to VNese canh chua.

  6. You just reminded me of that movie of the same title. :D

  7. EMWK,
    I was thinking that when I wrote this post! I never saw the movie though.


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