Sunday, March 25, 2007

Sinh To Bo (Vietnamese Avocado Shake)

Updated from the archives December 15, 2009:

This past summer, my childhood friend asked where I go for Sinh To Bo (Vietnamese Avocado Shakes). I told her I heard Mr. Baguette's are pretty popular. Umm, no, she said.

Well, I don't usually buy them, I make them so I dunno?

I told her I'd make her one if she brought me avocados, condensed milk, and ice.

And so she did. :P

Sinh To Bo (Vietnamese Avocado Shake) 1

New photos and intro, but below is the original post.

The other night while I was boiling the noodles for Pho Bo (Vietnamese Beef Noodle Soup), lil' sis's best friend asked if he could snack on an avocado while we were waiting. When I suggested he make an avocado smoothie to go with the pho, he said he had never heard of it before. What? Really? Lil' sis said he shouldn't have said that. Because, of course, the minute he said he had never had a Vietnamese avocado shake, I had to make him one.

Sinh To Bo (Vietnamese Avocado Shake) 2
Sinh To Bo (Vietnamese Avocado Shake)

For 2 milkshakes, you'll need:

1 avocado
1 cup ice cubes
1 tblsp or more, condensed milk

In blender, puree 1 avocado, about 1 cup of ice cubes, and as much condensed milk as you'd like.

Or if you don't have condensed milk on hand, substitute with soy milk or any milk of your choice, Splenda or sugar or any other sweetener.

Last summer in Vietnam, every late afternoon, my cousin and I always took a smoothie break. I alternated between multiple glasses of freshly pressed sugarcane juice, an avocado shake, and a Sinh To Ca Chua (Vietnamese Tomato Shake).

I wouldn't suggest full glasses of the avocado shake and a big bowl of pho all in one sitting though. We were all stuffed to the gills in a food coma afterward.


And it's time to visit my eek-inspiring old photos. Eek indeed!

Sinh To Bo (Vietnamese Avocado Shake) 3


  1. Reading your blog has made me find a lot of new things to try--and I'm Vietnamese!

    Can't wait to try this. Avocado shake sounds suspiciously healthy and delicious!

  2. mmm that was so good! i couldnt breathe for the next few hours, but it was so worth it

  3. Hi Poopycat,
    Always glad to help. :)If you want to be really VNese, just omit soy milk and use condensed milk and lots of ice.

    :) You didn't have to fill your bowl so much.

  4. Sounds so creamy and delicious! I'd love to try it. I've only had avocado in salty dishes, so this would be new to me.

  5. Too much liquid in one sitting :O I hardly have avocado-as the fruit, in dips/salsas, or as a shake like this. From what you said, seems great for summer. :)

  6. Passionate Eater,
    Really? You too? I thought all VNese people knew this. :P I wasn't even going to post it really b/c I didn't think the pictures looked so great. But I now photograph everything I make and was lazy about posting that day. Heh.

    Yes, that's why my bowl of pho was low on the liquid. So I was OK. ;)

  7. I come from Brazil, and my childhood was filled with avocado milkshakes in the afternoon, ripe from the garden tree, me and my brothers and sisters would have a lovely afternoon lunch with it, so good for a growing child, i can tell you that! We had lots of energy to spend :) The use of a "salty" avocado was unkown in Brazilian culture, only lately, with the arrival of fashionable Mexican restarants, and it still makes me uneasy to think of this lovely sweet fruit in a salad :( or as a dip ;( - Well...this is what local culture is about= and i am so glad to learn the Asian way of cooking too:
    Thanks for the discovery=
    Love to all=

  8. ok, so i tried making one using my handheld, which is a cuisinart. and it was still hard to break up all the ice! altho much faster than yours! definetly use a blender or at least that mini-chopper that comes with the handheld!

  9. James,
    Oh! I didn't know Brazilians enjoyed avocado milkshakes too. I guess I'm used to them in salads and guacamole. I love avocados either way so I don't mind.

    Haha. I guess I'll just have to buy a real blender to make shakes.

  10. I remember my first glass of this... *sigh*

  11. Mamma3monkeys,
    Haha. Who knew avocado shakes would inspire such longing?

  12. Yum. I love avocado shake, but I prefer mine chunky - no blender needed. :D

  13. hi!

    I am a fan of Avocado milkshakes too!
    Have you tried using 'rock sugar' as a replacement for condensed milk? I personally think it tastes better with rock sugar ^^

  14. Nhi,
    Sometimes I use crushed ice and avocado and make mine chunky to spoon out, not as a drink.

    Rock sugar makes it harder to grind for me.

  15. I just made this following your recipe - it was simply delicious! Thanks for all your yummy recipes. :)

  16. When I first saw this recipe I thought the combination rather strange and was in no rush to try it. A few days ago one of my sisters posted on FB that she was craving one and how "SO GOOD!!" they were. Of course, now I *had* to make one.

    I didn't have ice on hand so I broke up a frozen mango fruit bar instead. Wasn't quite sure how that would turn out but it was delicious! So smooth and creamy. Next time I will make it with ice for a more authentic taste; I can see myself making this more often!

  17. Zoey,
    Ha! It wasn't much of a recipe. :P

    I can't believe you've never had one of these before!


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