Friday, July 18, 2008

Watermelon, Feta, and Basil Salad

On a recent visit to the South Pasadena farmers' market, I bought a bunch of basil with the intention of making Insalata Caprese (Italian Capri Salad - Tomato, Basil, Mozzarella). But the cost of tomatoes and fresh mozzarella were double what they used to be when I stopped off at the store. Instead, I decided to make a watermelon, feta, and basil salad. I do love my basil.

While lots of feta is wonderful in a Greek salad, paired with the sweetness of watermelon and basil, a little goes a long way. So crumble just a little, and save the rest for either a Greek salad or Feta Cheeseburgers with Baked Garlic Fries.

Watermelon, Feta, and Basil Salad

Watermelon, Feta, and Basil Salad

For two people, you'll need:
2 cups seedless watermelon, diced
1 tblsp feta cheese, crumbled
6 large basil leaves, julienned
1 tblsp red wine vinegar
Freshly ground black pepper

Dice, crumble, julienne, drizzle, grind. Taste. Adjust.



I'm submitting this recipe to No Croutons Required, a food blogging event alternately hosted by Lisa's Kitchen and Tinned Tomatoes, celebrating vegetarian soups and salads.

The challenge this month is to make a vegetarian soup or a salad showcasing your favorite herb or experiment with a herb that is new to you.

1 year ago today, for those who opt for quantity over quality, Manna Korean BBQ - Los Angeles (Koreatown).


  1. Thanks for this entry! A very refreshing summer salad indeed.

  2. Now this is my kind of recipe - four main ingredients and packed with the flavors of summer. Can't wait to try it.


  3. Lisa,
    I hope No Croutons Required spurs me to make even more vegetarian soups or salads. I need to eat healthier.

    Ah, your description makes it sound much nicer than my poor (wo)man's insalata caprese. :P

  4. Watermelon and feta is such a great combo!

  5. Kevin,
    It is! I thought it'd be weird but it totally worked for me.

  6. I was planning to make a watermelon salad with mint, but I just had basil on hand. This was delicious! - and easy to make. I will make it again (probably tomorrow!)

  7. Virginia,
    I like basil over mint myself. :)


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