Monday, June 30, 2008

Figs With Bri Fundraiser Winner

As you know, I'm technologically challenged. Ordinarily I just write names on slips of paper and toss them into a bowl. But since my Figs with Bri Fundraiser involved people buying virtual raffle tickets, I wanted to be fair and impartial about selecting the winner.

I assigned each person a "raffle number" based on the order they contributed to the fundraiser.

#1 Hong P. of Secret Garden Studios
#2 Priya of Live to Cook
#3 Canine Cologne of Pink Candles at Ridgemont High

I used's random sequence generator.

Figs with Bri Fundraiser Winner 1

And here's the order selected of who won 1st, 2nd, 3rd place.

Figs with Bri Fundraiser Winner 2

And so....the winner is Canine Cologne! Congratulations!

She chose my pink scarf as her prize. I know the thought of wrapping yourself in a wool scarf in the midst of summer is a little insane, but you'll be glad to have this during winter!

Fundraiser for Figs with Bri 4

I know I shouldn't be biased but I'm so glad she won. In a twist of fate or coincidence, Canine Cologne is battling breast cancer as well. She's only 39, in stage 2-A, and had a mastectomy on her left breast in April. So please visit Pink Candles at Ridgemont High to send her lots of good wishes and positive energy.

Even though my fundraiser is over, should you feel the need to contribute, Figs with Bri is accepting donations until July 15.

As a thank you for contributing, Hong and Priya, I can't afford to send you both 5 items of food, but how about just one? Let me know what you'd like as a consolation prize.

Thanks again everyone for helping to make my small contribution an even bigger one!

1 year ago today, Viva! Las Vegas! and the Bellagio Buffet.


  1. OMG! I totally forgot to post about the winner for our prize! Ugh! thanks for the reminder! (BTW- Chuck won. but thanks WC for the donation and entry too! )
    Congrats to the lucky winner of this beauty!

  2. WoRC,
    Haha! Yeah, I had to see if I won your jackfruit on Jugalbandi's blog. :P

  3. From Canine Cologne:
    thanks again! for some reason i didn't get your email, but i'm glad u commented on one of my blog posts. i was actually in the hosptial for days due to neutropenic fever. yeah, that sucked. but i was able to come home on monday. my last chemo is today, so reading about winning this raffle is a nice way to start my morning. thanks again and i will email you separately with my info.

    Canine Cologne,
    I'm glad you're out of the hospital now. I was worried when I hadn't heard back from you. I hope you like the scarf!


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