Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Bacon-Wrapped Asparagus

Bacon-Wrapped Asparagus 1

Ever made a whole meal out of just an appetizer? I bought 10 fat stalks of asparagus for 56 cents at the grocery store. They were really too fat to stir-fry or to put into a soup, but they were perfect for roasting. If you don't have fat asparagus spears, you can bundle two or three smaller ones together.  

Bacon-Wrapped Asparagus 

You'll need:
As many asparagus stalks as you'd like
An equal number of bacon slices
Salt, to taste
Fresh ground black pepper, to taste
Balsamic vinegar or lemon juice, to taste

Optional: Truffle oil for drizzling.

Wash asparagus. Remove bottom portion and trim woody ends if necessary.

Wrap the bacon around the asparagus into a spiral like so.

Bacon-Wrapped Asparagus 2

Lay the asparagus on a wire rack over a pan so the bacon drippings can drain. Sprinkle a bit of salt. Bake at 350 degrees for half an hour or until bacon is crispy.

Serve by grinding fresh black pepper on top. Drizzle balsamic vinegar or freshly squeezed lemon juice. I also drizzled a tiny bit of truffle oil.

Bacon-Wrapped Asparagus 3


1 year ago today, I started a series of dumpling posts with J&J (Jin Jian) Restaurant - San Gabriel.


  1. Yep, I've made these too...a nicee smokyness and so visually cool!

  2. Great dish, WC. I wish I could find such large spears of asparagus. Yours are just perfectly wrapped - they look really, really, really good!

    I'd love a few of these dipped into soft boiled egg yolk too. And, it's all low-carb too, right? :)

  3. I've made these too, except that I pan-fry these and add a tablespoon or so of red wine for a finishing touch.

  4. I tried making this before. Yummy and addictive!

  5. Yummy! I wanna munch on one of those stalks right now! My bf is salivating haha, that's one of his favorite foods.

  6. Peter,
    I think everyone's made these. :)

    Soft-boiled egg, that must be the French influence?

    A red wine glaze sounds great.

    Yes, they are. Just a few though since all that bacon isn't terribly good for you.


    Haha! Too funny that you had to show the picture to him.

  7. I love everything wrapped in bacon. I will give this recipe a shot.

    One note, Have you considered using a maple glaze for the asparagus before roasting it with the bacon? The sweetness adds great flavor to the bacon.

  8. Long,
    Maple and bacon is a great combo. I like saving those flavors for breakfast. :)

  9. Wonky spacing here too. :D It seems like it's primarily on your older posts.

  10. ETE,
    Thanks. I wish it weren't so inconsistent which posts are affected. Some of my older posts are fine. So I have to manually get to them when I can.


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