Friday, March 02, 2007

Feta Cheeseburgers with Baked Garlic Fries

I think I need a new category of foods that I made up that don't really fit in anywhere. Everyone knows the burger is all-American, but does adding feta cheese make it Greek? I think I should say it's Greek-inspired. Anyway, this is one of lil' sis' favorite foods. She'll salivate and save room in her belly just for this. We do love our feta. I made these for last year's Memorial Day barbecue and my family scarfed them all up. They were even more popular than the Korean short ribs, spicy bulgogi-sauce pork ribs, and Italian dressing chicken wings. The juiciness of the burger and the saltiness of the feta go so well together that I don't think anything else except ketchup is needed. Serve with a side of homemade baked garlic fries. Feta Cheeseburgers with Baked Garlic Fries 2 lb package of ground beef or ground turkey 8 oz container of feta cheese, any variety but I prefer sundried tomato with herbs 1 small onion, diced and sauteed 1 tblsp soy sauce 2 tsp worchestershire sauce 1 tsp sea salt Dice and saute onions until soft and golden. Add to ground beef with all other ingredients and shape into patties. You don't need too much extra salt because the feta cheese is already quite salty. Add 1 tsp sea salt, 1 tblsp soy sauce, and 2 tsp worchestershire sauce. See the sauteed onions and feta chunks? Grill until done. That's it. Serve on toasted hamburger buns. As for garlic baked fries. Cut into thick long chunks. Sprinkle with salt and garlic powder and olive oil. Bake in oven at 350 degrees for half an hour or so.
See those feta and onion chunks again? This is one juicy burger. Mmm. Enjoy!


  1. I love feta. This is great for people who don't like those cheeseburgers filled with blue cheese (like me!).

  2. Christine,
    I like blue cheese too. :)

    But I think you should try making that nutella sandwich first before you tackle something as complicated as this. ;)

  3. I have always wanted to make some burgers myself because those cooking shows (like Rachael Ray) always make it look so easy. But getting a 1.99 In-and-out burger is so easy(drive-thru) and relatively cheap(taste good too) that I have not till now make my own.

    Looks like it's time.

    Your version looks juicy and yummy :)

  4. Christine,

    I started making my own b/c I haven't been too happy lately with the fast food burgers. Even In-n-out's burgers have been kinda wimpy. I used to remember the meat being a lot thicker and bigger, now it barely fits the bun. :(

  5. i think i am actually going to attempt this. i'll let you know how it goes.

  6. ooh. is there anything i can substitute the worchestershire sauce with?

  7. and what happens if i use regular salt instead of sea salt?

  8. Tania,
    The best part of the worchestershire sauce is the tamarind. So if you don't have it, it's OK. The soy sauce gives plenty of flavor. And nothing's wrong with regular salt, I just like the flavor of sea salt more. As long as you choose a nice flavor of feta, that's the flavor that comes out the strongest. And don't forget to saute the onions first!


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