Friday, July 13, 2007

Italian Tomato - Costa Mesa

While I was waiting for my ramen order at Santouka, I did a little wandering around the food court. Italian Tomato is such an odd name for a place with so many pastries. It's another Japanese-based chain, although my brother says the Italian Tomato he tried in Hong Kong has more variety.

What is it about a bakery display that always makes it so appealing? All the pretty colors?

I'm always a sucker for fruit-laden desserts.

Mmm. Creme brulee.

I ended up with a Parisienne, a fruit-stuffed cream puff for $2.75.

And a green tea tiramisu for $4. The words tiramisu are etched onto a piece of white chocolate. Though it looks heavily dusted with green tea powder, the taste was actually very delicate. I actually prefer moist tiramisu and wished they made green milk tea (you know in lieu of the espresso) to pour over the cake layers. That would then make it perfect.
Hehe, I was very careful in opening my box and photographing the pastries. I ate part of the green tea tiramisu, and wrapped the rest of it along with the cream puff to take home to lil' sis. Really. I don't eat everything I photograph!

Who else ate at Italian Tomato?
Elmo of Monster Munching ate a stuffed crepe and a tiramisu.

Italian Tomato (various locations)
(Inside the Mitsuwa Marketplace)
665 Paularino Ave.
Costa Mesa, CA 92626


  1. You are posting so much, I can't keep up!!!!

  2. no way...shes not posting regularly!

    i want to try that creme brulee except for the dark looking burnt one.


  3. LOVE ME The Italian Tomato. Especially to cool off my tongue after having it boiled by the soup at Santoka!

  4. I still need to make a green tea tiramisu and use up that green tea powder. Lol

  5. Tigerfish,
    My mood comes and goes until I'm caught up again!

    Yeah, I wish I had bought the creme brulee too. Haven't had it in forever!

    It's so bad b/c it's right there! I can't turn away.

    Yes, and then you can send down a sample to me. :)


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